Archive for the ‘facebook’ Category

Simon McGarr on Facebooks Legal Obligations


Simon McGarr talks at length about Facebook’s legal obligations regarding privacy and data use within the EU. An excellent summary that should put the wind up Facebook.

Facebook boosters, take note.

Facebook to offer a Storage Service


According to this InfoWorld article Facebook is now providing a storage API that in future would allow Facebook users to store their content directly in FaceBook. Here at PutPlace we think this is a great idea and represents a giant leap forward for social networks in providing a more full service offering to their users.

With Nirvanix launching recently with a competitive offering to Amazon’s S3 product we see nothing but goodness for consumers in terms of choice and lower costs. We expect to support all three services over time so that PutPlace users can choose the most appropriate storage solution for their requirements. Expect Bebo and MySpace to make moves in this space in the near future.